
Watch the man from nowhere in english
Watch the man from nowhere in english

So-mi is without a doubt a wise little girl because despite what everyone thinks of the mysterious Ajusshi, she can see that he is a good person underneath all the gruffness. They also don’t act like they have a typical adult/child relationship, but they’re more like argumentative best friends. He’s so silent and solemn and she’s so energetic and youthful. I love this duo because it’s so unexpected, but they fit each other so well. She is an energetic girl, talking to Tae-shik despite his refusal to respond with little more than monosyllabic answers. He arrives at his residence where we meet So-mi for the first time. We meet our hero, Tae-shik, who looks a little disheveled and very much like an outcast, but despite his appearance he still manages to show a sweet side admiring some white flowers. First and foremost, I must call attention to the extensive pool of talented actors.


This movie is wonderful from a multitude of aspects that I will try my hardest to capture in this review.

watch the man from nowhere in english

It is an action-packed, rollercoaster of emotions that will grab hold of you until the very end. He goes to any lengths to save the one little girl who believes in him. So-mi’s mother gets involved in a complex drug ring that leads to her and her daughter’s kidnapping, and the only person who can rescue them is Tae-shik. He is befriended by his neighbor’s daughter JUNG SO-MI (Kim Sae-ron) who is also looked upon with disdain because of her socioeconomic status. The premise of The Man From Nowhere centers around a mysterious Ajusshi named CHA TAE-SHIK (Won Bin), who is very solitary and largely stigmatized as a societal outcast.

watch the man from nowhere in english

The sheer emotion this movie elicits is simply unspeakable: from the pain of societal rejection, to hopelessness, to unadulterated anger, and finally a sense of what it means to purely love.

watch the man from nowhere in english

This movie is beautifully constructed in both visual and story aspects. The partnership of Won Bin and Kim Sae-Ron is excellent, and their chemistry as mysterious man and the little girl who loves him is incredible. 188 SeptemMovie Review: The Man From Nowhere by only1tonyĬompelling, passionate, thrilling, heart-warming, dark, and above all well-acted, it is no surprise why The Man From Nowhere (aka Ajusshi) swept the board with awards last year.

Watch the man from nowhere in english