If you remove things by hand, and you aren't properly thorough (going through the registry, as well as the rest of the file system with a vigilant eye), you could delete the software, but not the malware, and have an even harder time removing the malicious parts. Honestly, deleting files/folders manually isn't enough and it can actually cause more problems in the long term. I also looked at program files that were "modified" during that same date and time (again, luckily it was a strange hour and this is a new computer). In my case, everything seemed to be under "Bull Software" (something with Bull in it, but fitting nonetheless). Luckily, this computer is new and has very little "extra" installed on, so I was able to see what else had been installed along with RegPro, based on the time/date. I followed Jesiec1's route, keeping your advice in mind. You might have solved one problem, but possibly not the rest. If I'm not mistaken, the program you're referencing is likely adware, which means it will likely be persistent to re-enable itself. it may stop the process from running, but there will be traces of it left on your computer. Just deleting the main files is about half the battle.

That wouldn't get rid of the program, though. I right clicked on it and "Opened File Location" - then I was able to delete it Hi- I was able to go to Task Manager and see the process running (RegProCleaner)